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What We Fought So Hard For 

Omnibus Wins for California

California Democrats proudly fought for and secured progress in the omnibus that will create jobs, improve health and advance economic opportunity across our state.

In sharp contrast to the devastating cuts called for in the Trump budget, the omnibus contains robust funding to combat homelessness, create new affordable housing and promote community development.  We secured the highest-ever level of funding for HOPWA, protected AIDS research and prevention including the Minority AIDS initiative and achieved record levels of investment for the life-saving research of NIH including groundbreaking initiatives like precision medicine.

After the devastating Northern and Southern California wildfires, we have achieved a vital wildfire funding fix to end the cycle of fire borrowing so we can invest more in fire prevention rather than just fighting catastrophic wildfires after they break out.  We secured strong investments in Pell Grants, disaster preparedness, and key infrastructure priorities including investments in water infrastructure.

For San Francisco, the omnibus will bring million of additional dollars for the retesting and cleanup of Hunters Point, so we can ensure the safety of the public and move quickly to build new affordable housing on the former base.  We rejected the Trump attack on transit to protect Central Subway, Caltrain electrification, new BART cars and the future Downtown Extension into Transbay.  

The omnibus also rejects the Trump Administration’s cruel anti-immigrant agenda.  We ensured no increase in detention beds, no new ICE deportation agents and no defunding sanctuary cities.  Instead of the $25 billion the President wanted for his immoral and ineffective border wall, he’s getting only $641 million for new pedestrian fencing and levees.

Unfortunately, Republicans refused to join us to provide real protections for our Dreamers.  The GOP shamefully offered only a temporary patch for only a few DACA recipients, tied to billions for the border wall and extreme interior enforcement that many Dreamers made clear they could not support.  Speaker Ryan has failed to live up to his promise to bring a DACA solution to the floor, and we will continue to press him to give us a vote to protect Dreamers.

End the Lies

This week, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case of National Institute of Family and Life Advocates v. Becerra. The Supreme Court must decide whether fake abortion clinics run by anti-abortion extremists can continue to manipulate pregnant women by denying them access to important health care information.

America has long recognized and respected a woman’s constitutional right to comprehensive health care.  Our values and laws demand that women have access to neutral, unbiased facts about their health care options and their statutory rights.  California’s disclosure law serves a substantial governmental interest in providing that information, especially for the many vulnerable women who risk being subjected to misinformation and shame tactics at politicized, non-medical care facilities.

Democrats will never stop fighting to defend a woman’s fundamental freedom to make her own personal decisions involving her health and her family.  The Supreme Court must once again affirm states’ right to safeguard the health of their citizens and ensure women have access to basic information about their rights and their health care.


My office recently assisted a constituent who had applied for disability benefits with the Social Security Administration (SSA). He had contacted our office because despite obtaining approval for benefits, he had not yet received them and was unable to reach the SSA to resolve the matter. Therefore, my office contacted SSA on his behalf and conveyed the details of his situation. As a result, SSA processed his claim, reinstated his benefits, and provided a refund to reflect benefits past due. He will now continue to receive his monthly disability benefits.

Caseworkers in my San Francisco office work to address any problems or concerns you may have with a federal government agency. To submit a Casework Authorization Form, please visit my website.

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