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Prescription for Disaster

In my view, the Republican Majority’s Pay More For Less bill is a moral monstrosity that will deeply devastate working families across America. Despite claims their legislation will be an “act of mercy”, if it passes - 24 million Americans will have their health insurance ripped away, while billionaires can receive a massive new tax break. In our state alone, 3.6 million working Californians would be knocked from their coverage. This bill would be the largest transfer of wealth from working families to the rich in our nation’s history.  After stealing health coverage from millions of families and billions of dollars from their guaranteed Medicaid and Medicare, the bill hands $600 billion in tax breaks to big corporations and the rich. Let us recognize this malicious assault for what it is: a reverse Robin Hood on a massive scale. With the new revelations from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office report, it’s now clear to the American people why the committees attempted to rush this bill without hearings or debates and before the facts came out.    

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi meets with constituents at a Community Health Care Forum in San Francisco. 


Sources: CBO Report on the American Health Care Act, CBS News, CNN

Under the disastrous bill, health costs/expenses will skyrocket, especially for seniors and middle-aged Americans. That’s why the AARP stands in unified opposition to this ruinous bill and is especially opposed to the “age tax”, which would cause older Americans to be forced to pay premiums five times higher than what others pay for health coverage. In addition, the bill shortens the life of the Medicare Trust Fund by three years. As premiums soar and quality coverage is priced out of reach, families will be forced into plans with worse coverage and fewer protections: paying more for less. 


Nancy Pelosi
Thanks to ACA, we've cut the number of uninsured in half. Now, the #PayMoreForLess bill threatens to completely undo that progress.

This week, on the seventh anniversary of the Affordable Care Act, House Democrats will vehemently oppose this disastrous proposal that will force tens of millions of families to pay more for worse coverage – and push millions of Americans off of health coverage entirely. Affordable, quality health care should not be the privilege of the wealthy, but should be the right of every family in America. 

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