Press Releases

Johnson to Pelosi on Coronavirus: ‘We ought to Keep Working until Our Job is Done’

 U.S. Representative Mike Johnson (LA-04) today sent a letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi urging that she keep the House in session until Congress has mitigated the coronavirus threat.

“COVID-19 is a serious challenge that demands prompt and decisive action. Recessing the House while state health officials continue to express concerns about limited resources, such as testing kits and protective gear, is unjustifiable,” Johnson writes. “The Senate, the administration, and – most importantly – the American people are waiting on the House to act on a funding package. We ought to keep working until our job is done.”

A PDF of the signed letter can be viewed here. The full text of the letter can be viewed below.


February 28, 2020

The Hon. Nancy Pelosi
U.S. House of Representatives
H-232 the Capitol

Dear Speaker Pelosi,

I write to urge you to gavel the House of Representatives back into session until Congress has acted to provide the necessary resources to mitigate the threat posed by the coronavirus (COVID-19).

Earlier this week, you stated: “The House will be advancing a strong, strategic funding package with transparency and accountability that fully addresses the scale and seriousness of this public health crisis.”

While I share your goal of passing a package to deliver the resources the Trump administration needs to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and keep Americans safe, I do not agree with your decision to recess the House this afternoon before doing so. COVID-19 is a serious challenge that demands prompt and decisive action. Recessing the House while state health officials continue to express concerns about limited resources, such as testing kits and protective gear, is unjustifiable. The Senate, the administration, and – most importantly – the American people are waiting on the House to act on a funding package. We ought to keep working until the job is done.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter. I stand ready and willing to offer my assistance.


Mike Johnson
Member of Congress