Ocean State Job Lots Donates 1,200 coats to Maine Veterans


Thanks to a generous donation from Ocean State Job Lot, the Maine Bureau of Veterans' Services picked up over 1,200 winter coats to be distributed to veterans across Maine.

Beginning Wednesday, January 29th, any veteran who is in need of a winter coat can visit the following locations to grab their brand new winter jacket:

1. Sanford Vet Center - 628 Main Street, Springvale, Maine

2. Maine Bureau of Veterans' Services Office in Springvale - 634 Main Street, Springvale, Maine

3. Maine Bureau of Veterans' Services Office in Portland -
151 Jetport Blvd, Room 138W, Portland, Maine

4. Preble Street, 38 Preble Street, Portland, Maine

5. Easterseals Maine, 14 Atlantic Place, South Portland, Maine, Portland, Maine

6. Maine Bureau of Veterans' Services Office in Lewiston -
35 Westminster Street, Lewiston, Maine

7. Lewiston Vet Center - 35 Westminster Street, Lewiston, Maine

8. Maine Bureau of Veterans' Services Office in Augusta -
194 Winthrop Street, Augusta, Maine

9. Maine Bureau of Veterans' Services Office in Bangor -
35 State Hospital Drive, Bangor, Maine

10. Bangor Maine Police Department
240 Main Street, Bangor, Maine

For more information, please call the Maine Bureau of Veterans' Services at 207-430-6035 or email us at mainebvs@maine.gov

Seeking help for homeless veterans is the first step to receiving it

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Winter is here, and as temperatures drop, we are reminded of the harsh reality that over 100 Maine veterans do not have a place to call home.  While the Bureau and our many partners are doing everything possible to locate permanent housing for veterans in need, we need the community’s help.

On a brisk November day, Maine Bureau of Veterans’ Services’ (MBVS) Homeless Veteran Coordinator, Jarad Greeley received a tip about a small camp in the woods of rural Maine.  Knowing the camp’s inhabitants were likely veterans, a concerned Mainer had contacted MBVS for help.  The intel was accurate - veterans were living in tents.  

Many factors contribute to a veteran becoming homeless.  It is a complex problem escalated by poverty, unemployment, mental/physical health, addiction, breakdowns in the family, and often-times unaffordable housing.  As a state agency, it is our mission to provide a line of communication between veterans and needed services, but we cannot make those connections if a veteran does not ask for help.  

For most veterans, giving is easier than receiving. That has been the norm – but it doesn’t have to be.  We encourage Maine’s veterans to ask for the services they have earned and deserve, and for their friends and family to please speak up for them.  The need for communal support doesn’t go away when you leave service, and there are organizations who stand ready and committed to offering the hand-up that is needed to get you back on your feet.  

Easterseals Maine, Preble Street’s Veterans Housing Services, Veterans Inc., VA Maine Healthcare System, Volunteers of America Northern New England, Maine State Housing Authority and others work together to get veterans the help that’s needed. If one organization isn’t able to provide assistance, they’ll connect you with another.  Mayors across Maine have also signed onto the Mayor’s Challenge, an interagency initiative that calls on cities, counties and states to commit to ending and preventing homelessness among veterans.  So far, Auburn, Augusta, Bangor, Brewer, Biddeford, Lewiston, Portland and Westbrook have joined the initiative.    

Many of these agencies are operated by veterans who have assisted other veterans with similar experiences.  A few have even found themselves in similar circumstances.  The path to becoming homeless is different for everyone, and no story we hear is the same.  If you are experiencing homelessness or are at risk of becoming homeless in the future, please reach out to us. We will help you find shelter and services.

MBVS staff is often asked, “How can I help?” from members of the public and veterans who are looking to serve their communities in a different capacity.  If you know a veteran who is struggling, share our contact information with them.  If we can’t directly help, we can connect them with someone who can.  If you are a property owner and have units available, consider leasing to a veteran.  Eradicating veteran homelessness takes deliberate effort by us all and knowing where to ask for help is the first step.

If you do one thing to help homeless veterans today, please consider watching and sharing the following video about the partnerships that have been made across the State of Maine, and how those established connections have helped our veterans. But don’t just take our word for it; in the video, you’ll meet John Randall, a Maine Veteran who received a permanent home at Cabin in the Woods after reaching out and asking for help. As John’s story illustrates, home provides safety, security, stability, and peace of mind.  When one has a place to rest their head at night, overall health is improved both physically and mentally, and it allows for services to be received.

At the Maine Bureau of Veterans’ Services, we will always be committed to serving our veterans and their families.  There’s no wrong door to knock on when asking for help; but asking for help is the first critical step in changing the path of homelessness.

For more information about the Bureau or to request assistance, please call us at 207-430-6035, email us at mainebvs@maine.gov or visit our website at www.maine.gov/veterans.

2020 Winter Softball Classic

On Saturday, February 22nd, American Legion Post 202 will host a Winter Softball Classic in Topsham. 
All proceeds from team registration will be donated towards efforts to house homeless veterans.

To register, please contact the American Legion at 207-729-9870.


2020 Veterans Creative Art Show

On Wednesday, February 26th the VA Maine Healthcare System will be hosting the 2020 Veterans Creative Arts Competition at Togus.

For many, art is an outlet, and we have many talented veterans across Maine. Please consider sharing your talents with the community!
The entry Deadline is February 1, 2020!

For questions and paperwork, contact:
Performing Arts: Liz Marrone, CTRS, 207-623-8411 Ext. 5371
or Elizabeth.Marrone@va.gov

Visual Arts: Courtney Oliver, CTRS, 207-623-8411 Ext. 4589
or Courtney.Oliver@va.gov


Team RWB Presents "Eagle Namasday"

On February 22, World Yoga Day, join Team RWB as they bring veterans together with their communities to practice yoga and showcase its role in increasing physical and mental health. The fine folks at the brand new Good Seeds Yoga Studio in Gardiner, ME are hosting this yoga class at no charge for RWB Team Members, and by donation to non-RWB attendees. Donations collected for this class will be graciously donated by the studio to our chapter. This class is intended for EVERYONE and the instructors can tailor to anyone's needs. Please register for this so we can gauge anticipated Eagle attendance!

For more information, please contact Mark LoSacco at mark.losacco@teamrwb.org

What's Happening

What: Mental Health First Aid (NAMI Maine)
Where: Pittsfield Library
When: Wednesday, February 5th from 8:30am - 4:30pm
Registration Link: www.namimaine.org/event/pittsfieldvets

What: Vets in the Valley Winterfest
Where: Lost Valley Ski Area, Auburn
When: Sunday, February 9th from 10:00a.m. - 3:00p.m.

What: Free Sled Hockey Clinic
Where: Camden National Bank Ice Vault - Hallowell
When: Friday, February 14th and Friday, February 28th
To register contact: Courtney.Oliver@va.gov or Elizabeth.Marrone@va.gov

What: Veteran Homelessness in Maine
Where: USM L/A Campus
When: Wednesday, March 11 
To Register call 207-576-0376 or email JDEWITT@TCMHS.ORG

What: 2020 Pre-Retirement Seminar For Military Personnel
Where: Bangor Hilton Garden Inn
When: Thursday, March 12th at 6:00PM
For more information or to register, please contact Wendy Moody at 430-5778 or via e-mail at wendy.j.moody2.ctr@mail.mil.

What: 2020 Pre-Retirement Seminar For Military Personnel
Where: Senator Inn, Augusta
When: Wednesday, March 25th at 6:00PM
For more information or to register, please contact Wendy Moody at 430-5778 
or via e-mail at wendy.j.moody2.ctr@mail.mil.

What: Beyond The Basics 2020 - Suicide Prevention 
Where: Augusta Civic Center
When: Friday, April 10th 
Registration: https://www.namimaine.org/events/EventDetails.aspx?id=1253981



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